
DailyKenn.com — Most informed Americans recognize Critical Race Theory (CRT) as anti-white ideology. It is systemically taught in schools throughout the USA and is often part of business training programs. 

Those who oppose anti-white racism being coerced on innocent children are asking tough questions. It's a conversation about race that many government school officials don't want to engage in.  

An example is found in Rhode Island where a stay-at-home mom is questioning the extent that CRT, gender confusion, and anti-Western culture are being fostered upon her young daughter and other children. 

According to foxnews.com, the mom may face legal challenges as school officials grow impatient with her involvement. 

Excerpted from foxnews.com ▼

"I have a lot of questions. I'm asking them. I wish that my questions would have been answered without having to do it this way. But they told me to do it with their own questions. They're teaching something that they're trying to hide from you. … They're being opaque about it."

Solas said the school district was scheduled to meet about possible legal action over her request. According to a local report, a school committee was considering a lawsuit to challenge Solas' requests.

CRT curriculum has sparked a national conversation about the role of race and racism in school districts across the country. Often compared by critics to actual racism, CRT is a school of thought that generally focuses on how power structures and institutions impact racial minorities. 

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02 Jun 2021