
DailyKenn.com —  An Oklahoma State University teaching assistant says she will not teach Spanish because she is White. The assertion can be heard on a video being circulated on social media. 

The assistant, identified by foxnews.com as Jessica Bridges, reportedly claimed, "Racism originates with and is perpetuated by White people" and "White isn't right."  

It appears that Bridges, and people like her, have experienced the evisceration of their natural thought processes. Typically, humans support and defend those who are like themselves. It also appears that they have experienced a thought transplant. It's as if their brains have literally been removed and replaced.

That poses two important questions:

First, what happens to natural thought processes of people who have experienced thought reform?

Second, where did the replacement thoughts originate?

Is it possible that White people who believe that racism originates and is perpetuated solely by White people have been brainwashed? That is, there natural thinking process has been scrubbed away? Is it possible those natural thoughts have been replaced with self-hating thoughts? If so, how did this happen? 

It appears that White people are targets of systemic cultural gaslighting. 

According to psychologytoday.com, "Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment."

"Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where a person or group makes someone question their sanity, perception of reality, or memories," according to medicalnewstoday.com. "People experiencing gaslighting often feel confused, anxious, and unable to trust themselves."

There appears to be a systemic effort to gaslight White people by sowing sees of doubt, compelling them to question their validation as a group, altering their perception of reality, erasing their history, and causing widespread self trust. 

Is it possible that individuals like Bridges are victims of the psychological manipulation strategy called 'gaslighting'?

Excerpted from foxnews.com ▼

Video circulating on social media appears to show an Oklahoma State University teaching assistant saying she will not teach Spanish because she is White.

Jessica Bridges, according to a LinkedIn profile of the same name, is set to receive her doctorate degree in Social Foundations of Education sometime in 2021, although it was not clear if she has already completed her coursework. The comments were reportedly made during the Southern Connecticut State University's 2021 Virtual Women's and Gender Studies Conference.

"Racism originates with and is perpetuated by White people," Bridges says in the video. At another point, she asserts that "White isn't right."

Bridges vows to confront her "internalized white supremacy" by not teaching Spanish.

"Learning Spanish from a White woman, I wish I could go back and tell my students not to learn power or correctness from this White woman," she says.

"Dismantling white supremacy in society looks like dismantling in my heart first. It means I'm not going to teach Spanish." 



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03 Jun 2021