
DailyKenn.com — A 21-year-old woman was attacked by a belt or, more accurately, a man using belt in New York City. 

Reports say Diamond Loubriel was sitting outside the cafe where she works when a male approached her from behind and began waling on her. 

Arrested was Kamal Walker, age 25, reported beat his victim with "all his manpower."

Take aways...

• Even though NYC maintains stringent gun laws, savages will always find weapons. 

• Americans are taught to be ashamed of their racist past when slave holders (many of whom were black) viciously beat slaves. But we feel no shame that large male savages are allowed to roam free and randomly whip random young women. 

Excerpted from nypost.com ▼

“I was sitting down on the phone talking to my sister and he just comes out of nowhere and starts attacking me,” Loubriel recalled.

“I didn’t even see him come towards me,” she continued. “He hit me and I looked up like and I’m like ‘what the f–k is going on?’”

The Alphabet City resident described how Walker allegedly was “putting all his manpower” into swinging the belt at her back.


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30 Jun 2021