Saturday, June 26, 2021 — A gang of teenage savages appears to be roaming the streets in Philadelphia's urban jungle. 

A dozen or more women and at least one man say they were attacked by the group. Women claim to have been groped and hit while one man claimed he was struck while encountering the teens' savagery.

Randomly attacking white people has long been a sport of choice among urban savages. 

Take aways...

• After such incidents — and there are many — readers often ask, "Where are the parents of these kids?" The answer is often: The parents were no different, nor were their grandparents or great-grandparents. Urban savagery seems to be trans-generational.  

• Why no outcry from so-called "feminists"? In the hierarchy of social justice offenses, racism trump sexism. The far-left won't object to overt sexism when the offenders are black and the victims are white. To expose black-on-white crime — including sexual assault — is viewed as racist in the minds of the woke.

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A community is on high alert after a series of attacks on women in Philadelphia’s Northern Liberties neighborhood.

CBS3’s Alexandria Hoff broke this story on social media last Friday after being contacted by a victim, since then we’ve sorted through surveillance video, contacted police, and at least a dozen more women have come forward. Last Friday, a woman was walking on 2nd Street in Northern Liberties when around 9:45 p.m. she spotted a group of four to five teens on bikes, riding on the sidewalk towards her.

“He turned and he cornered me against the wall and he groped me and grabbed my [EXPLICIT] and he started laughing and he rode off with his friends and they were all laughing,” the victim said.

She asked to remain anonymous because she fears she’s being targeted. Just a week prior to that assault she had her phone forcefully taken from her by what she feels may be the same group on bikes.

“I was like crying and shaking and I just felt so victimized in that moment, but I was more upset for the fact that I lost all the photos of my newborn,” she said.

In both cases, she called police to the scene. The phone was reported stolen but the department says no report was filed for the assault

“I see these kids all the time now. I’m much more aware of it, and clearly, it’s not just happening to me,” she said.



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