
DailyKenn.com —  Muslim students in the northwest Nigerian city of Sokoto on Thursday stoned a Black Christian female to death and burned her corpse. She was accused of blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad, police said. [source]

Each year nearly 10,000 "people of color" are killed by Islam hate groups. 

Imagine the reaction in the USA if only one tenth of one tenth of that number (ten) were massacred in America. 

Apparently, the far-left media care little about black lives but, rather, point their laser-like attention to Black homicides that can be leverage to advance their agenda; namely, White racism and the evils of the patriarchy. 

In true hypocritic for, the far-left convinces gullible women to fear and fight an imaged patriarchy in Western nations even as it seeks mass immigration of Islam and its misogynous culture. 

As of May 15, 2022, 3575 people were killed and 2834 injured by Islamic hate groups year-to-date. Nearly all were non-White. [source: https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/attacks/attacks.aspx?Yr=2022]



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15 May 2022