
 DailyKenn.com —

Bethany K. Taylor, 27, was fatally shot in her Bay County, MI apartment. 

The suspect, 18-year-old Lamar A. Davis, was fatally shot by police. 

“He was a very, very sweet and quiet young man,” Davis mother reportedly said of her son. 

The quote was sited in an article posted at mlive.com. The story appears to be another apologetic homily portraying young Black criminals — such Emmett Till and George Stinney — as angelic victims of White intolerance.

Could it be that Black mothers who refuse to accept the violent criminal tendencies of their sons contribute to their crimes? Could it be the absence of dads in Black homes could also be a contributor?

• Bethany K. Taylor

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Lamar A. Davis

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[Police identify woman killed in Bay County and suspect killed by deputy, By Terry Camp, abc12.com, Sept. 2, 2022]

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28 Sep 2022