
DailyKenn.com — Six females, all of whom appeared to be Black and dressed in neon green jumpsuits, were video recorded assaulting two women, both who appeared to be White. 

The victims were robbed. 

The weird attack occurred on a New York City subway. 

• Public transit was once racially segregated in some states to protect White people from Black violence. 

• During my four-year tenure at a black majority high school (1968-1971), I witnessed firsthand the unmitigated savagery of young Blacks. Granted, not all Blacks are violent criminals, but a disproportionate number seem to barely function with low verbal skills, low impulse control, low intelligence, low executive function, and low affective empathy. Their propensity for criminality and violence makes Jim Crow laws understandable and, possibly, even excusable. Is that unfair to law-abiding Blacks? Of course it is. Then again, there is no fairness to be found in subjecting Whites, East Asians, and other non-Blacks to the never-ending violence similar to that witnessed in the above video.

When others attempt to shame us into abject denial of reality, we should respond with cogent skepticism and embrace that which simply cannot be denied. What you see in the above video is reality that cannot rationally be denied. 


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04 Oct 2022