

DailyKenn.com — In 1958, TIME magazine published an article exposing "negro crime". 

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"THEY are afraid to say so in public," the story begins, "but many of the North's big-city mayors groan in private that their biggest and most worrisome problem is the crime rate among Negroes."

"In 1,551 U.S. cities," the report continues, "according to the FBI tally for 1956, Negroes, making up 10% of the U.S. population, accounted for about 30% of all arrests, and 60% of the arrests for crimes involving violence or threat of bodily harm—murder, non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. In one city after another, the figures—where they are not hidden or suppressed by politicians—reveal a shocking pattern."

The article presents statistics that mirror today's FBI reports: Greater than 50 percent of homicides in the USA are committed by Blacks who comprise about 13 percent of the population.

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Writing for National Conservative, Kyle Rogers notes that the "No snitch culture in the Black community hampers police investigations."

"Since Negroes, even when they are victims or innocent bystanders, are often wary of calling the police, many offenses of disorder and assault go unreported when committed by Negroes in the depths of a ghetto," the TIMES article reported.

Nothing has changed in 64 years.

The conclusion is that Black crime transcends time. And that points to an inherent predisposition.

Why can't we admit it?

Most understand that males tend to commit violent crime at a much higher rate than females. Consequently, men and boys are incarcerated at a much higher rate than women and girls. No one complains about sexism. It is just the outcome of inherent predispositions.

But when we notice that Blacks are incarcerated at a higher rate than non-Whites, many attribute the disparity to White racism.

Granted, not all Blacks are inherently violent criminals. Likewise, not all males are inherently violent criminals.

Still, even the most rabid of leftists are careful to avoid Black neighborhoods and readily relocate when their own communities become racially integrated with African descendants.  

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20 Dec 2022