
DailyKenn.com — [Transcript]

Tell me whether or not you think this is particularly good news, but Breitbart is reporting that President Joe Biden, my preference is to refer to him as White House occupant, Joe Biden. I really don't think, well, let's not talk about that. But according to Breitbart, Biden is going to be kicked off the ballot in three states, namely Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania, that's a surprise because, you know, this is, who's that guy that looks like Lurch? Can't think of his name off the top of my head, but he's a bit of a chameleon that's beside the story. The state representatives aim to fight back against Democrats' so-called lawfare used to attack former President Donald Trump. The Colorado Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in a four to three opinion that the United States Constitution's insurrection clause blocks Trump from appearing on the state's presidential ballot.

Now, I wonder if the Democrats were thinking, and the answer is no because if they were thinking, they would not be Democrats. But if they had been thinking when they tried to pull the stunt in Colorado, and I say tried because it's going to backfire, the Supreme Court's going to get a hold of it and they will give the court in Colorado a lesson. But they opened something akin to Pandora's box because when you throw a punch, the guy you're punching throws a punch and sometimes he punches three times.

In this case, the Republicans punched back three times. What's going to happen with this? Probably nothing. Biden's going to stay on the ballot.
Trump's going to stay on the ballot in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, I guess. Same thing in wherever else he's on the ballot. And the same is true of Joe Biden or whoever replaces him.

Personally, I'm not positively sure that Biden is going to get the Democratic Party nomination to be president. I think possibly they're just stalling. They're putting him up kind of like a paper public or a mask would be a better analogy.

I think they probably have somebody else waiting in the wings to replace him. I could be wrong on that. I'm just kind of speculating.
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Democrats just got a taste...<br />
...of their own medicine</p></a> <p>

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Democrats just got a taste...<br />
...of their own medicine</p></a> <p>

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