
DailyKenn.com — [transcript} Yes, the pope is Catholic, last I checked.
But that was before the beloved pontiff fell
into disfavor with hoards of sheep.

The pope took the first step in allowing homosexual
marriages by permitting the blessing of same-couples.

For those of you old enough to remember the birth
of the Reformation, besides being well over 500
years old and dead, you would know it was divisive
heresies that drove Martin Luther to nail his
Ninety-five Theses on the castle church in Wittenberg, Germany.
The church is still there if you care to see it,
the 95 theses were taken down.

What I take away from this is not just that church  
notables, such as Bishop Joseph Strickland,
are urging Catholic clergy to ignore the Vatican's declaration.

Moreso is the observation that so many around
the globe remaining staunchly opposed to normalizing h

It will be interesting to see who will win.
But keep in mind that the Vatican has been ruffled in the past,
by such as Hutton Gibson, father of actor Mel Gibson,
basically came to nothing.

Or did it?

It could the Gibson affair was one crack in the Vatican vessel
and the latest fray is another crack.

Enough cracks and vessels will shatter.


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21 Dec 2023