
DailyKenn.com — [transcript]

DailyKenn.com — The woke left is facing a bit of an enigma because they tend to characterize people who are conservatives, patriots, and nationalists as individuals who have some kind of a mental disability. In fact, it goes as far as to say that some of us, maybe many of us, maybe all of us, need to be put in re-education camps so they can make us whole again. Or make us woke like them.

Well, here's the problem. As determined through their diversity program, their equity program, you know, what they're going to do is they're going to make an effort to include a focus on hiring people who are mentally disabled. So if the woke left thinks patriots are mentally disabled and they are hiring people, pressing, pushing to hire people at the FAA, well, it's kind of obvious, right? They want to hire conservatives at the FAA because, you know, they think we're nuts.

And those seem to be the people they want to hire. This is an article that was published in New York Post. According to the article, the Federal Aviation Administration is actively recruiting workers who suffer from severe intellectual disabilities, psychiatric problems, and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative.
Spilled out, it says on their website. I'll have to go take a look at that. So what are these disabilities? They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, and severe intellectual disability.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't be laughing. I'm just, I'm thinking of this. No, it's not funny.
You know, this guy is going to fly an airplane, a commercial airliner. What are his qualifications? Well, he's psychiatric, he has psychiatric disability and orphism. It's not funny because they're actually doing it.

But you can't help but laugh at how crazy these people are. They think they're woke. They think they've got their act together.

Back to the news article, the initiative is part of the FAA's diversity and inclusion. They forgot out, they forgot equity. They left out equity.

Hiring plan which claims diversity is integral to achieving FAA's mission to ensure, I'm pausing for emphasis, so just to get your attention, safe and efficient, travel across our nation and beyond. Do you know what that reminds me of? It reminds me of when the communists would take over a country and say they were liberating it. So we're going to hire people who are not capable of doing the job so that your air travel will be safe.

Just so you know, I don't think I'm qualified to fly an airplane. I mean, any airplane. I don't think I could fly one of those little remote control things, you know, that you play within your backyard, let alone an airliner.

But hey, this is equity. I mean, this is Marxism. Everybody gets an equal shot.

While I'm at it, I think, hey, I'll be an airliner, airline pilot, commercial airline pilot, and a brain surgeon. I have two jobs. I'll be bivocational.

The FAA is overseen by the Secretary, oh, well, never mind. This explains everything. Pete Buttigieg.

I never knew how to pronounce his name correctly. Buttigieg, I think it is. Department of Transportation.

Do you know what this is? In my humble opinion, this is a thinly disguised advertisement promotion for the Republican Party. Some Republicans. Again, I had to pause to think there because when I say the Republican Party, I guarantee you some Republicans are going to go along with this.

So I should say sane Republicans as opposed to woke Republicans. But I'm wondering if they're going to have the same equity policy that they have for their personnel and for their equipment. So if you're going to hire a person who is broke down, well, somebody like me, you know, I don't think I have the physical or mental capabilities to be flying around in any airplane, let alone a passenger plane.

But whatever, we have to be equitable, right? So how about if we are equitable with the equipment? Broken down at 747 somewhere, I don't know. Got to be fair, got to be equal, got to be equitable. So we put that back in service.

No, we're not going to do that. But we are going to let people who are not capable of doing their job, be a part of the FAA, of the airline industry. No, seriously, I don't think they're going to let these people fly airplanes.

You know, I'm being a little bit facetious. Maybe I'm wrong. Because the woke left, you know, they're not the brightest bulbs on the tree.

They do things like this because it makes them feel good. But hey, what are they going to come up with next? You mentioned brain surgery. So are they going to determine, well, maybe they already have, but the health industry, to satisfy their lust for equity, which is a replacement term for Marxism, maybe they are going to hire brain surgeons and nurses who are not qualified.

Maybe they already are. Have you been to the hospital recently? Have you seen their staff? What does their staff look like? Do they look like America used to look when it became great? Or do they look different? I know looks don't matter. Well, sometimes they do.

Went to the doctor. I'm not going to mention which one because I don't want to get in trouble. But I went to the doctor some months ago.

I got lots of doctors. But I couldn't help but notice that first of all, there was gender discrimination because virtually all the nurses were female and all the doctors were male. But when it came to body shaming, they had that one covered.

Because all these nurses, all these female nurses, I mean, every single one of them that I saw in the office, how should we say this politely without offending anybody? Because we don't want to offend people. So let's call them plump. Plump.

Obese, I guess is the technical term. Fat is what we used to call them. Maybe plump is too discriminatory.

So let's just say every single one of them was, they had excess fat tissue.



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