
DailyKenn.com — 

•    Eagle Pass, Texas, faces significant challenges due to an influx of "migrants", leading to a state of effectively martial law.

    Roads are littered with discarded clothing and belongings, highlighting the strain on the city's resources.

    Under President Biden, over 6.3 million "migrants" have crossed the southern border, exacerbating the situation.

    Local law enforcement, National Guard, and federal agencies struggle to manage the overwhelming number of arrests, which totaled over 16,000 in January alone.

    The crisis fuels political tensions, with residents and politicians expressing frustration and protesters descending on the city.

    Despite a decrease in migrant arrivals in January, the situation remains dire with no immediate relief in sight.

    Criticism is directed at both the Mexican government and the Biden administration for their handling of the crisis.

    The future outlook is uncertain, with concerns about further deterioration as long as the current administration remains in power.


This seems to be the epicenter of the so-called migrant crisis. The town is called Eagle Pass, Texas, and it's overwhelmed by, I hate to call them "migrants" because that tacitly suggests permanence, that they're coming here, they're migrating here to stay. I would prefer to refer to them as uninvited guests who really need to leave, but Eagle Pass, Texas, according to the Daily Mail, and the UK's Daily Mail, as they report on this, the city is effectively under martial law.

I mean, it's just that bad. According to the report, the roads are just littered with, well, litter, but a lot of clothing and whatever the people wear, they can't wear it anymore, they discard it because it's worn, maybe it's tattered, maybe it's water soaked, whatever, and they say there's heaps, piles of this laying all over the town. And the folks in New York City think they have it bad.

Well, where are these people supposed to go if the cities who call themselves sanctuary cities like New York and Chicago and Detroit or wherever don't allow them to come in? Say, oh, we're overwhelmed. Well, imagine what it's like to have this tiny little town, or small city, I should say of 28,000. That's not a tiny town, but it's a small, small city, is just overwhelmed.

Okay, according to the report, under President Biden, okay, I don't like to call them "migrants", and I don't like to call Biden the president. I guess he is legally, but I prefer to refer to him as the White House occupant. Let me know in the comments if you agree with that.

Give me a thumbs up if you agree with it. The southern border, according to the report, has seen over 6.3 million, here's the M word again, "migrants", uninvited guests, since he took office. That's how many they've seen.

I wonder how many they haven't seen. And that's just since he took office less than four years ago. Again, it's Eagle Pass, Texas, and they have the police there, they have the National Guard there that is seizing property.

Federal troops have effectively, or federal, not troops, but federal law enforcement has, well, they basically have been kicked out of town because they seem to be part of the problem. They're helping these people come in. You know, Biden sends in, at least this is the way it seems, maybe I'm getting this wrong, but Biden says, yeah, we're going to send in reinforcements or something akin to that.

Reinforcing who? Not law enforcement, reinforcing or helping the so-called "migrants", uninvited guests, climb over the wall, make sure they're taken care of best they can. Now, this is January. Del Rio sector reported over 16,000 migrant, 16,000 arrests in one month in our city, that would be unconscionable.

We may have, I don't know, 1,660, I don't really know. But 16,000 arrests in one month, where are they putting these people? I mean, how big does a jail have to be to house 16,000 people? Now, this is a city of 28,000. You do the math, that's more than half, the equivalent of more than half of the city's population.

16 times two would be 32,000. There's only 28,500 people living there. So imagine whatever your town is, more than half, the equivalent of more than half of the residents, the population of your town was arrested in one month.

And they're going to do it again next month, probably. This is January. So I'm assuming in February, it'd be the same.

So now you got a town of 28,500 people with 32,000 arrests. Again, where are they going to put these people? So, you know, it's putting a strain on the city. It's putting a strain on the people.

It's putting a strain on just about everybody. And who's behind this? Well, it appears none other than White House occupant Joe Biden. What is he doing to resolve the problem? Well, nothing, because in his, and I'm not a mind reader, but based upon what I see in his mind, this is not a problem.

This is a good thing. You know, you got all these potential Democrats coming into the country to vote in the future. And they're going to have babies, lots of babies, you know, because they're Catholics, they oppose, and rightly so, birth control, or not birth control, but abortion, in my opinion.

So in they come, making future Democrats. Do you remember a few years ago when the woke left was all upset about the population explosion because it taxed the environment, and all of a sudden, just out of nowhere, they did a flip, and they no longer care about the environment, at least not like they used to. So here they come, politicians, you know, the news media, everybody kind of descending on this small town with garbage and trash littering, lining the streets, personal belongings scattered everywhere, along highways, along sidewalks.

Would you want to be the mayor of this city and your hands tied? I mean, what possibly could you do? So you have Mexico, aggressively sending people, well, we can't call them invaders, because I don't think YouTube would like that. So we're not going to even use that term. So we'll continue using the term uninvited guests or "migrants".

What is Mexico doing to stop this? Seems to me they're encouraging it. They're aggravating the situation. And the American government, under White House occupant Joe Biden, doing the same thing.

So here come the politicians, here come the protesters. Here comes, according to the article, it referred to them as diehard Republicans. And this is creating a political climate.

And again, keep in mind, it's effectively martial control. And this is just one city. This is just one city.

But the story concludes by saying, you know, 16,000 migrant arrests in January. And it concludes by saying, that was a downturn from the previous month. How bad can this get? Well, there, as far as I can tell, there's no relief in sight.

And as long as Biden is occupying the White House, it's going to get worse. And he's got a few months to go. And believe me, he's going to do as much damage or good in his opinion.

He and his cohorts are going to do as much damage to this country as they possibly can, as long as they can. And it appears to me that's going to be at least until January of next year. If you got something out of this video, join our family, subscribe to our YouTube channel, give this video a thumbs up, don't forget to share it on social media, that helps.


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