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1    Gaslighting: Described as a form of confusion, the text equates gaslighting with anti-God behavior and highlights its manipulative nature.

2    Smear Campaign: Drawing from biblical references, particularly the story of Peter and a demon-influenced individual, the text illustrates how narcissists engage in smear campaigns to undermine others.

3    Demonic Deceptive Liar: Referencing John 8:44, the text portrays narcissists as embodying the traits of deception and falsehood, akin to demonic behavior.

4    Unsound Mind: Based on 2 Timothy 1:7, the text suggests that narcissists exhibit mental instability and lack of clarity, resembling demonic influence.

5    Pride: Drawing from Proverbs 6:16-19, the text emphasizes pride as a central trait of narcissism, equating it with the biblical concept of sin and detailing its manifestations.

6    Envy and

7 Jealousy: Exploring the distinction between envy and jealousy, the text relates these traits to narcissistic behavior and their implications in biblical narratives.


The first of seven demons of narcissism is something you're already familiar with, and that is the demon of gaslighting. Now, some people believe in demons, some people don't believe in demons, but everybody is familiar with what a demon is. So maybe you're one of these people that thinks people who are narcissistic, or we should say narcissism is demonic, and people who are narcissistic are somehow demonic-influenced, demon-influenced, influenced by demons, so they are demonic. Other people say, no, demons aren't real, but the story of demons, the idea of demons, is based on narcissism. So either way you approach this, we're going to assume both of those are in the minds of those who are listening, so we're going to approach it in that way. Don't worry, this is not going to be a Sunday school lesson, but we're using this for illustration purposes, and so what if it is a Sunday school lesson? I think it would make a good one.

So if you're a Sunday school teacher, take notes and feel free to use them. So number one is the demon of gaslighting. What is gaslighting? It's another word just for confusion. So here's what the Bible says, for God is not a God of confusion. So if somebody is trying to confuse you through gaslighting, you know that's not of God, whether you literally believe in a literal God, or you think God is kind of a literal concept, it doesn't really matter in this context. But what we do know is whether God is real, or whether God is just a figment of somebody's imagination, either way, still, that God is not a God of confusion. 

So when you have someone who is gaslighting you, that is anti-God. Some people would say it's anti-Christ. Some people would say, well, if it's anti-Christ, it's who is anti-God, anti-Christ? That's demons, right? That's the devil, see? So when somebody is gaslighting you, confusing you, and let's talk for just a real quick moment about what gaslighting is. I know that you're familiar with it. The gist of the world, all on the same page, gaslighting is when somebody, or maybe a group of people, try to convince you that there is something wrong with you, usually mentally wrong with you, so they can take advantage of you, even though that thing is not real. I mean, you really don't have that mental problem, but they want you to think you do, so they can take advantage of you. And they want others to think you do, so they can be justified in the eyes of others as they take advantage of you. It's kind of like somebody who is, say, you live in a house that's lit by gaslights, and somebody keeps dimming the gaslights, and you say, what was that? And they say, what? Nothing happened. You must be crazy. That's the whole idea of a gaslight, gaslighting. It's based on the movie, which is based on the book, the novel, called Gaslighter, Gaslighting.

Number two, the second demon that we talk about this a lot on my videos, because I've gone through it, and it hurts. It's painful, so it's kind of a sore spot for me emotionally. But that is the demon of the smear campaign. Now, I want you to keep in mind that in the Bible, there is this story of one of the disciples, and after the death, burial, resurrection of Jesus, [Paul] is out there spreading the word, and guess what? There's this demonic narcissist who is following him around, mocking him, making fun of him by telling the truth about him. So what does it say? Well, let me read this to you real quick. Once when we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a female slave who had a spirit by which she predicted the future. Would that be a scam artist? Isn't that one of the hallmarks of a narcissist? Yeah. She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling. Okay, the narcissist makes money for himself, but same principle. She followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, these men are servants of the most high God who are telling you the way to be saved. Okay, so she was telling the truth, but she was mocking them. Hey, look at these guys. They're goody goodies. They're trying to help you. Yeah, right. It's kind of like she was rolling her eyes and making things very difficult for them, for Paul and the others, and she kept this up for many days. Finally, Paul became so annoyed that he turned around and said, now watch this, said to the spirit, didn't talk to the girl, said to the spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to come out of her. And at that moment, the spirit left her. Try that with your narcissist sometime. Turn around and look at them and say, in the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to come out of her. And if your narcissist is not a her, then obviously you want to say him. See how they react. You know, just turn around and say, look, you're a narcissist. Stop being a narcissist. Get rid of that. See what happens. So the first demon is the demon of gaslighting. The second demon is the demon of the smear campaign.

The third demon is the demonic deceptive liar. I mean, these people don't just lie. Every lie, I guess, is intended to be deceptive, but these guys go overboard. Now, this one we're pulling from John 8, verse 44, if you care to follow along. And Jesus here is talking to the Pharisees who didn't like Jesus, obviously. And he said, you belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning. So, so are you by implication, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. Sounds to me like a narcissist, right? So the devil, whether you believe in a literal devil or not, figurative devil, whatever, the devil is the ultimate narcissist. So when you encounter a narcissist, you're encountering somebody who is like the devil. And if you believe in demon possession, maybe they are possessed by demons, who knows. When he lies, he speaks his native language for he is a liar and the father of lies. Now stop and think about that. Focus on that for a moment. And we're going to tie these things together, by the way, in just a minute. But he is a deceptive liar. And what Jesus said to these people is that, and I think this is the new international version. I hope that doesn't offend, something will offend everybody. So nevermind. He said, this is your native language. Lying is the native language of narcissist. What language do narcissists speak? They speak lie, lie-ese, falsehood-ese, however you want to say it, lie-ish.

Number four, and we're going to tie all these together in a moment, is the demon of an unsound mind. Yeah. Now I don't think having a cognitive disorder or a neurological disorder, particularly if it's pathological, is necessarily a mental illness. But an unsound mind, there is what we would call the demonic unsoundness. In other words, they're not dealing with reality. That's a better way to say it, I would think. But this comes from 2 Timothy 1.7. Again, this is the NIV. And it says, for the spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, self-discipline. Though it doesn't directly use the term unsound mind, it still implies a state of mental instability, a state of lack of clarity. So they have the spirit that isn't powerful. It's fake power. It's control. It is not self-discipline. They have self-discipline, but not in the sense that they can control themselves for the good. They control themselves for the bad. And love, empathy, they love. Yeah, they love themselves, but nobody else. Everyone else is just a target, someone to take advantage of. So there is the demon of the unsound mind.

Number one, the demon of gaslighting. Number two, the smear campaign. Number three, the demonic deceptive liar. And number four, the demon of the unstable unsound mind.

Number five, I'm guessing you saw this one coming. Tell me in the comments if you said, yeah, I knew he's going to get to that. Number five is a demon of pride. Now, number five, I think I'm going to do a video just on these, what, four verses, three verses, four verses. In Proverbs 6 verses 16 through 19, the six things the Lord hates. The last seven are an abomination to him. Okay, here are seven parts to a video I'm going to make in the near future. Number one, number one, number one, I'm emphasizing that on purpose, a proud look. What does God hate more than anything else? If you were to make a list of the seven things that God hates the most, according to this passage, which would be number one? A proud look, pride. God hates pride more than anything, and there is no one more prideful than a narcissist. Is there? I mean, that's what their whole life is about. That's what their whole thought process is about, themselves. Pride, lifting up themselves. All right. So very quickly, and this is, if you want to see a biblical definition or description of a narcissist, just go to Proverbs 6, 19, or 16 through 19. And there's the list. Boom, it's right there in front of you. Here they are. A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, maybe not literally, but hurt innocent people. Number four, a heart that devises wicked plans, then feet that are swift in running to evil. It's kind of like these people, narcissists, it's like a pig and a pigsty. They love mud. You know, they see mud, they kind of run to it. The narcissist runs to evil. A false witness who speaks lies. Yeah, right. And then finally, number seven is, in this list of Proverbs under pride, is one who shows discord among the brethren, or we would say among friends. That's a spear campaign. I mean, this, number five, pride, basically describes a narcissist. Look it up sometime. Don't do it right now, but when we're done here, just Google Proverbs 6, 16 through 19. And even if you're not a believer, it still is truth.


Number six is envy. The demon of envy. Where do we find envy? The demon of envy in the Bible? Let's go to the very beginning. So you've got, as far as we know, there are four people in the biblical narrative on the planet, and that's Adam and Eve and their two sons, Cain and Abel. So what happens is, Cain was envious of Abel, and he became envious because God was showing Abel favor. Now, Abel was a good guy, right? He was a guy who was empathetic. He did things right, and God put a stamp of approval on him being, well, to use a biblical term, a religious term, he was righteous. So define righteous as you will, but if you're doing what is right, that is rightness or righteousness in a sense. And what did he do? He hated on this guy. He hated on his brother, and he took it out by murdering him.  


Now, number seven is jealousy. Okay, the demon of jealousy. Didn't we just cover that, the demon of envy? And the answer is no. Envy and jealousy are not synonymous. They are very different concepts, and what is the difference? Well, let me tell you real quickly. Envy is when you want what somebody else has. I envy that person. Maybe somebody has a higher paycheck, maybe they have a better personality, and we're envious of them. Maybe they live a more righteous life, rightness life, and we're envious of them if we're narcissists. It's all about wanting what the other guy has. They've got something that we don't have. Well, what then is jealousy? Isn't that the same thing? No, jealousy is kind of like the opposite. Jealousy is I'm jealous of what I have. In other words, I want what you have, that's envy, and I don't want you to have what I have, that's jealousy. Jealousy is, and we usually use this synonymously, I understand that, but for practical purposes, the demon of jealousy means from a narcissist's perspective is they don't want anybody to have what they have. What do they have? Well, they're kind of like perfection. They have perfection. They're like perfect. 

Isn't that what got Satan kicked out of heaven originally, depending on what theological perspective you come from, but it was Satan, who they say his name was Lucifer at the time, was an archangel, the story goes, and he wanted to be equal with God. He wanted to be number one. He was the narcissist, the supreme narcissist. So God kicked him out of heaven. Boom, there you go. Is that what you wanted? And no, that's not what he wanted. And the story goes, he's been angry ever since. He wants what we have. Again, this is the spiritual biblical context, but Satan wants what we have, what you have, and that's favor with God. And again, I'm saying, if you don't believe in God, the principle still applies. So go with me on this. So what I have, according to God, listen to this, it's important. He says, I am jealous. God says he is jealous. So jealousy can be a good thing. For example, you want to defend your family. That's a good form of jealousy. You want to defend your nation when your nation does right. That's a positive form of jealousy. We call it patriotism, same thing. But this is a quote from the Bible, and God is speaking, and he says, I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. So when you love somebody, and you want to protect them, that's a positive form of jealousy. A lot of people don't stop and think about that.

So, all right, let's tie all these together. And it's really kind of simple. I want you to imagine, or just assume that it's real, whichever way, that when you are dealing with a narcissist, that you are dealing with a demonic presence. It may be supernatural in origin, or it may not be. I'm going to leave that up to you. We really, you know, we make reference to religion. Obviously, we're doing that in this video. But we're going to leave the religious arguments for some other time and place, not here. But you got to admit, it does fit. And so when we tie all this together, the tying factor is, it fits amazingly. So when you are dealing, again, to repeat myself, when you are dealing with narcissists, think of them as a demonic, either being demonic, or being strongly demon-influenced. What do you do? What do you do with demons? You rebuke them, you get away from them, you do apolodeia to say, get lost, you know. You understand that they're speaking the native language of lies, which is what they speak. And you don't speak that language, at least I hope you don't. So let's tie this all together by understanding the reality of what we're dealing with. Now, if you got something out of this video, hopefully that happened. Join our family by subscribing to our YouTube channel. When you click the bell, that's important because you are notifying YouTube to notify you when we upload more videos so you can watch them and get more. Give the video a thumbs up if you liked it. Don't forget to leave a comment of some kind in the comment section to encourage others. Well, it encourages me. Leave a comment. You're going to make a positive impact upon nobody else on me. But join the conversation with others or start a conversation, whichever. And we'll see you all next time.



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