
DailyKenn.com — [transcript]

So here is Donald Trump and he is answering a question from Maria Bartiromo about who the likely vice presidential candidate pick will be. 

Tim Scott

Now, what Donald Trump does here is he does what Donald Trump does very well. He praises people who support him. He rewards those people who support him.

And Tim Scott has been a very vocal supporter. Now, Tim Scott, I'm assuming you know, is the black senator Republican from South Carolina. And yet we can notice he's black.

If they notice that Donald Trump is orange, we can notice that Tim Scott is black. Why would he choose Tim Scott? Would he do it simply because he's black? And the answer is, yeah, he probably would. Because a lot of people are going to vote, a lot of black people are going to vote for a black candidate.

Who is, if Biden runs, who is his vice presidential candidate going to be? Probably Kamala Harris. She's kind of sort of blackish. She has black history, but that might balance his ticket a little bit.

So Trump needs to be concerned about balancing his ticket. And personally, I don't think Tim Scott's going to be the guy because, well, because he's a United States senator. Number one, he does very well in the Senate for the Republicans.

And number two, it's more likely that a presidential candidate will choose a governor, which is something that Biden obviously did not do. Of course, Biden was very color oriented. All right.

A lot of people like Tim Scott. I called him and said, you're a much better candidate for me than you are for yourself. When I watched him.

Now, let me throw this in here while I'm thinking of it. You know who Boris Johnson is? He was the mayor of London for a while. He was a prime minister of Great Britain for the United Kingdom for what, a week or two.

But Boris Johnson has this weird hairstyle. He never combs his hair ever. And I'm looking at Donald Trump and he is, his hair is a mess.

You know, this guy's on national television. He has handlers, lots of handlers. And it seems to me they would have caught this.

This to me is not a major problem, but it's an indicator that something is not right in his campaign. It's one of those little indicators that somebody is not looking after Donald Trump as well as they should be. And not terribly worrisome, but worrisome nonetheless.

I watched him in the last week defending me sticking up for me and fighting for me. I said, Man, I said, you're a much better person for me than you are for yourself. Kristi Noem has been.

Kristi Noem 

 She is a governor and I think she's number one in the running because she's a woman and that will help balance the ticket. And number two, she is a governor, and that will help balance the ticket. And number three, she is a conservative.

That really will kind of balance the ticket. I hate to say this, but Donald Trump, well, I don't hate to say it because it's honest, but Donald Trump is not, in my mind, a conservative. He is a populist and he is not true to form on many of the social conservative issues.

He's not there where traditional conservatives really are. Of course, there aren't that many traditional conservatives or social conservatives left, but he certainly, I don't think is one of them. Kristi Noem.

All right, she might help out a little bit with that because she is a true blue conservative, and like Tim Scott, she has been an outspoken Trump loyalist. All right, there's one more person he's going to mention here in just a moment, but let's carry on with this. Incredible fighting for me.

She said I'd never run against him because I can't beat him. That was a very nice thing to say. What was the story that your team reached out to RFK Jr?


I don't think he's conservative.

He's more libertarian, I would say. Is this going to happen? Is he going to be the vice president nominee pick for by Donald Trump? And the answer is... It's a false story. No, nope, never, never happened.

So what exactly is the issue with RFK Jr., Robert Kennedy Jr.? I would say, number one, even though he's a Democrat, I don't think he will help in Democrats because he's not seen by Democrats as a particularly loyalist. I can't think of any reason. He's not a conservative, really.

He's more, again, libertarian. I can't see any reason whatsoever that he would be chosen, but the number one reason is that Trump said no, just to find out no, didn't say no to Tim Scott, didn't say no to Christie Noem. So my guess is it's probably going to be one of those two individuals.

And I'm guessing probably leaning 75, 80% toward Christie Noem. And I'm not sure even Donald Trump knows. When he says there are a lot of people to choose from, I think that's exactly what he means.

And he's going to wait, I think, until the very last minute or until the very precise minute when it will be to his advantage to announce.


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