Monday, April 22, 2024 — Remember "feminists"?

They were the leftists who ostensibly defended women's rights before being displaced by the oppressed du jour transvestites. 

A handful of genuine feminists — J. K. Rowling, for example — remain. 

The others have gone silent, particularly when women are victimized by  allegedly oppressed people. 

For example:

So far this year, fifty women in the southern part of Manhattan have been randomly assaulted by strangers, according to an NYPD spokesperson.

Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny mentioned at One Police Plaza on Tuesday that a majority of those arrested appear to be homeless and may require assistance with mental health issues.

Kenny clarified that while most of these incidents don't seem to be imitations of each other and aren't viewed as a growing trend by the police, a few have gained attention due to victims sharing their experiences on social media.


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