Monday, April 8, 2024 — A video captured the treatment of USAF Senior Airman Lance Castle, a service member who refused to comply with the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

The footage showcased Lance Castle being removed from his confinement.

•  He was labeled as an "insider threat"
•  He suffered 60 days of pre-trial confinement
•  He missed the birth of his first child,
•  He was court-martial on five charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

Ultimately, Lance Castle was acquitted of all charges brought against him, being found "Not Guilty" (NG).

Against this backdrop...

The US Military, led by Joe Biden, has struggled to meet its recruitment targets.

In the fiscal year 2023, the US military services collectively fell short of their recruiting goals by approximately 41,000 recruits.

This may be attributed to the US military persistently adhering to an agenda of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), while simultaneously promoting members of "marginalized" communities, including LGBTQ individuals and non-whites.

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