
DailyKenn.com — 50-year-old BillyJo K. Perkins was fatally shot in Seattle, WA.

Jaden P. Taylor, 16, was arrested.

The 16-year-old was charged with murder in connection to the shooting death at a Shoreline apartment complex.

Perkins was shot multiple times after she attempted to intervene in a confrontation between Taylor and another woman.

Surveillance footage at an apartment complex captured the late night incident in front of the office management building.

The footage shows a man walking past the management office with two women, followed by a small group. Perkins, walking her dog, passed through the group.

Detectives state that the man ahead of the group engaged in a conversation and later pointed a pistol at the two women, with a blue laser dot appearing on one of the women's faces. Perkins attempted to intervene by grabbing the man's hair from behind. The man then spun around, struck Perkins in the head, and shoved her into a car, with the laser dot now on her chest.

As the group scattered, Perkins' grip on the shooter's hair loosened, and she slid to the ground. The shooter stumbled, hit his knee and arm on the sidewalk, ran up the stairs into an apartment unit, and later fled the scene in a black Honda.

Three hours after the shooting, Taylor checked into Evergreen Hospital with a gunshot wound to the foot. Taylor, whose clothing and appearance matched that of the shooter in the surveillance video, became hostile when questioned about how he was shot.

Detectives later interviewed the driver of the black Honda. The driver stated that Taylor had shown up at his front door after the shooting, claiming he had been shot. The driver initially agreed to take Taylor to the hospital but instead drove him to a nearby park to meet someone after noticing no visible gunshot wounds. The driver reported that Taylor began screaming after hearing distant gunfire, saying, "I had to!" and "She tried to rob me."

A search of Taylor's residence revealed a pair of ripped jeans matching those seen in the surveillance footage. Two bullets consistent with the caliber found at the scene were discovered in the jeans' pockets. An empty box for a blue laser sight was also found in the living room.

Taylor is charged with second-degree murder, first-degree assault, and second-degree unlawful possession of a firearm.

The incident underscores the importance of freedom of association, including the right to live among people groups like yourself. 


• BillyJo K. Perkins

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Jaden P. Taylor
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[16-year-old charged in fatal shooting of woman at Shoreline apartment complex, By Will Wixey, FOX 13 Seattle, May 31, 2024]

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