
DailyKenn.com — A Richmond, Calif. man found himself in the hospital on his 77th birthday after confronting a suspected package thief, aka, porch pirate,' in his neighborhood.

Roger Helbig was walking his 15-year-old dog, Mimi, when he noticed a man seemingly casing homes for packages to steal. [That 105 in human years].

"I yelled at him, told him he was a thief. I did it very loudly. I can be heard a football field away if I yell loud enough," he said, laughing.

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Witnesses reported that after Helbig yelled, the man punched and kneed him.

Surveillance footage shows Helbig on the ground with his dog nearby as the man assaults him.

"He really could care nothing for anybody's life," Helbig said.

Helbig tried to call the police, but it didn't work "because he stole the phone and the camera I was carrying."

"I was really surprised that I ended up in an ambulance, but I'm really glad I did because when they did the CT scan, they found that I had a brain bleed," Helbig said.

Photos taken at the hospital show Helbig with a bruised face, wearing a wristband that says "Birthday Boy," given to him by a paramedic.

My advice?

Stay in your lane and video record the bad guys. Let them make the mistakes. And consider walking a young doberman pinscher. 

The case is reminiscent of the heroes who confronted Ahmaud Marquez Arbery in Georgia in 2020. Apologists for black crime claim Arbery was merely jogging for excise while allegedly carrying a hammer. When confronted, the heroes were reportedly attacked leading a Arbery being killed. Had the same occurred in Richmond, a 77-year-old would like be facing murder charges.


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