
Olympic gold medalist Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner says he plans to run for governor in California. 

Jenner, who some identify as the poster boy for transexuality, identifies as a woman and as a Republican, even though many believe he is neither. 

He's 71 years old. 

"Taking on entrenched Sacramento politicians and the special interests that fund them requires a fighter who isn't afraid to do what is right. I am a proven winner and the only outsider who can put an end to Gavin Newsom's disastrous time as governor," Jenner said on Twitter. 

Take aways...

• Jenner may be identifying as a Republican to normalize males identifying as females. 

• Jenner may be running as a Republican to obscure other Republican candidates. 

Excerpted from wkar.org ▼

If the recall effort gathers enough signatures to trigger an election, as Newsom says he expects it will, Californians will be asked to cast two votes: whether to remove the governor; and to choose a replacement from a list of candidates.