
DailyKenn.com — Greta Thunberg, a natural climate change denying teenager, has been invited to address the U.S. of Representatives. 

What's worse, Greta was asked by Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) for parenting advice. 

Greta seems to think that Americans need to be gouged by increased gasoline taxes to save the planet. 

The 18-year-old "was invited to speak at a House Oversight subcommittee hearing on the role of fossil fuel incentives in preventing action on climate change," according to nydailynews.com.

In lieu of sound cognitive arguments to support their man-made climate change nonsense, far-left Democrats seem to be appealing to our emotions by evoking the effect we will have on our children. 

Take aways... 

• Are Democrats seriously considering taking advice from Greta, or is the invitation intended to draw media attention to a fake "crisis"? 

• Are Democrats concerned about the effect open-borders will have on our children; on the environment? Do Democrats worry about the effects that increased taxes will have on future generations?  

• If Greta fails to provide advice for your children, let me help. Tell your children that:

1. Earth's climate has been changing as long as there has been a climate. There are no climate-change deniers.

2. If the sea levels rise as predicted, the Obama's coastal home on Martha's Vineyard was a bad investment. 

3. Past predictions of climate change effects are paramount to Jehovah's Witnesses past predictions of the Second Coming. 

4. Creating a crisis where there is no crisis is strategy used for thought reform by dangerous cults.

Excerpted from nydailynews.com ▼

Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg ripped House lawmakers on Thursday for continuing to subsidize the fossil fuel industry, and warned them to consider their place in history if they do not pick up the pace on curbing the climate crisis.

The Swedish environmentalist was invited to speak at a House Oversight subcommittee hearing on the role of fossil fuel incentives in preventing action on climate change.

She called the fossil fuel tax breaks a “disgrace” and argued that none of Washington’s current efforts are enough to meet the Paris Climate Agreement’s goal of limiting the rise in global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Centigrade.
California Democratic Rep. Katie Porter took a softer approach, asking Thunberg what advice she’d have for Porter’s 9-year-old daughter, who Porter said was furious with her elders for letting the world burn.

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