
DailyKenn.com — Let's think. 

The border crisis began in conjunction with Joe Biden's White House occupancy. 

So, if the border crisis is caused by climate change as Kamala Harris seems to believe, then we can conclude the Joe Biden's White House occupancy caused climate change. 

We must also conclude that Donald Trump's presidency somehow prevented climate change as made evident in a controlled border. 

As sane people already know, climate change is real. It has been for countless millennia. It is not, however, man-made. Blaming the border crisis on climate change is merely an extension of the Marxian myth. It blames a man-made crises on a non-existent crisis.

Take aways ...

• Our national and international policies are based largely upon the man-made climate change fairy tale. 

• Are these are the people who ridicule creationists? 

• New York City is only 33 feet above sea level is some places [source]. That's the equivalent of a three-story building. If climate change were to result in an substantial elevation of sea level, much of the real estate in New York City would be worthless.

Excerpted from nypost.com ▼

It’s worse than we thought: Vice President Kamala Harris just identified the “root cause” of the surge in illegal migrants at the southern border: climate change.

There’s “the need for economic development” and “a need for resilience around extreme climate” because “severe climate experiences” have been “dampening” agriculture in the Northern Triangle nations where most of the border-crossers come from, she said.

Not a mention of the corrupt governments that prevent economic progress — and are sure to pocket the bulk of any foreign aid meant to develop those economies or make their farms more “resilient.”

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