
DailyKenn.com — The fatal stabbing of three little white girls in Britain triggered a recent surge of violence in that country. The root issues behind last week's riots remain unaddressed, according to Brexit leader Nigel Farage.

The leftist Labour government has tried to separate the protests from the initial trigger — the murder of innocent children by the teenage son of African immigrants — but some believe the anger is fueled by what they see as overtly political policing by the authorities.

Critics under the "Two Tier Keir" banner argue that Prime Minister Keir Starmer has harshly responded to the recent riots while "soft policing"  riots involving non-whites. Farage, leader of Reform UK, referenced Keir's 2020 support for Black Lives Matter protesters and the previous Conservative government's lenient approach to those demonstrations. Farage remarked, "Since the soft policing of the BLM protests, the perception of two-tier policing has become widespread. The Prime Minister's inadequate response to the current crisis has only exacerbated this sense of injustice."


In recent weeks, riots also broke out among Britain's Muslim community in Manchester and the Gypsy Roma community in Leeds. Senior lawmaker Lord Goldsmith noted the stark contrast in government rhetoric under Sir Keir Starmer's leadership compared to previous responses to the Manchester riots. He criticized the Home Office for its inconsistent responses, warning that this could drive people towards the far-right.

But the far-left remains in denial.

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper dismissed claims of two-tier policing during a TV interview, asserting that such accusations were attempts to justify the recent violence. Farage countered her remarks, highlighting the lack of fulfillment of immigration reduction promises despite electoral successes of related parties and causes.

Farage argued that uncontrolled immigration without integration was bound to cause societal fractures and stressed the need for an "honest debate" about border control. He called for the Prime Minister to recall Parliament from its summer recess for scrutiny.


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